#6: On why I didn’t always love yoga
Full disclaimer: I didn’t always love yoga. I took my first yoga class when I was 20 and simply didn’t see the point of it. I had barely even moved! I tried again, ten years later, drawn by a clever ad from the local studio that promised “not your mama’s yoga” and definitely delivered.
It took me some time to understand that the reason I kept going back was not because I was getting a good physical workout but because of how my mind felt after class: more peaceful, better rested. I had discovered the magic of being present and the power of my breath. And it’s not just me. Many studies have shown the benefits of a yoga practice.
So you might feel hesitant about yoga, just like I was, thinking it’s not for you because you can’t touch your toes, you don’t have the time, you’re not a hippie, you’re not athletic enough, yoga is too gentle (insert your own reservations). But tell me, how different your day would be if you had a calmer, clearer mind? How would it impact the quality of your work, and of your relationships?